Welcome to our newest member, Kim Villa.
Kris Hons stood in for Rick Dinger as President Tom Probst installed our newest member, Kim Villa. Kim has been with the Special Olympics for a number of years. We have been fortunate to have her speak to the club and share some of her Special Olympic superstars with us (most recently, John). We are very excited to have Kim in the club. She brings a wealth of experience and a passion for those individuals that she serves. We are looking forward to participating in the Special Olympics and helping her with these incredible human beings. Thank you Kim for choosing this club, and Rick for getting Kim to choose us.
One of our newer members Lindsay, was asked the same morning to be the club reporter. In bribing Lindsay to do so, I told her it was a great way to get to know names!  She did a fabulous job. Our program for Oct. 28 was our own member and Glendale unified School District Assistant Supt. Maria Ganderas. Maria is in charge of human resources, which means she wears 30 other hats not related to human resources, such as attendance!
When Dr. David Viar introduced her, we of course had to get past the multiple college degrees (was it 7 masters??). Maria took on the job of Coats for Kids this year and did a fabulous job. The best part of the show, watching her having to answer her phone to deal with a school emergency during the program.
Thank you Maria for being part of this club.
Though no one won the actual raffle money, monies were raised to continue to support the programs of this club. Thank you and blessings to all that serve!