Marilyn Gunnell and her son, Eli, have shared the Not Even For A Minute Project with many people, and John Cho wanted to make a statement in support of the project.Image


As a father of two, one of whom sits in a rear facing car seat, I am devastated by the news of eminently preventable deaths of children accidentally left in cars by their parents.  The more frightening part is how often I have come close to doing the same thing.  I am sure than many of us can understand how it can happen.  No matter what kind of day we are having, no matter how many errands we have, we must simply take the time to remember to remove our children from their seats and take them with us.  Even though the impetus for this campaign is unfortunate, I am happy to support the Glendale Sunrise Rotary Club’s efforts to spread this critical message.Image


John Cho, from Marilyn Gunnell on Tuesday, August 4th, 2014